Jonathan Coulton

Jonathan Coulton. Click to zoom.
Jonathan Coulton
Jonathan Coulton (Джонатан Коултон)
Also known as
Date of Birth 1 December 1970 • 54 years
Place of Birth USA
Total Games 8
First Work Orange Box Original Soundtrack, The • 2007
Last Work Minuet of Time • 2019
Total Soundtracks 22
Most Popuplar Orange Box Original Soundtrack, The

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Xbox 360Portal 2 : музыка
PS3Portal 2 : музыка
PCPortal 2 : музыка
MacPortal 2 : музыка


PCLeft 4 Dead 2 : Additional Music by


PCHalf-Life 2: The Orange Box : "Still Alive" by
PCPortal : "Still Alive" by
Xbox 360Half-Life 2: The Orange Box : "Still Alive" by

Portal 1 & 2 Compiled into Four CD Album

On October 30, Valve Corporation, in collaboration with Ipecac Recordings, will release the complete soundtracks for Portal and Portal 2 across a four CD set. The first three discs of the album will feature Portal 2: Songs to Test By, previously released as a free digital... Показать

 25.09.2012    2199

The Greatest Video Game Music 2 Detailed

Following the success of last year The Greatest Video Game Music, the organisers will release a follow-up on November 6. The album will feature studio recordings of twenty game music favourites, performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Andrew Skeet. The release will... Показать

 09.09.2012    4725

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